Cimeterre de figurines

Cimeterre de figurines

Booby trap - Vietnam - 1968

L'utilisation de pièges divers camouflés a été l'une des tactiques employées par le Viet Cong pour causer des pertes dans les rang ennemis. Au delà des blessures infligées, l'utilisation de ces pièges ajoutait une pression psychologique aux forces américaines déployées sur le terrain.

On considère que ces pièges ont causé environ 10% des pertes US durant le conflit.

Mon nouveau diorama montre une patrouille de la 25th Division US en patrouille le long de frontière entre le Vietnam et le Cambodge. Elle est chanceuse, elle a découvert un piège, mais le Vietcong rode...


As a part of the tactics employed by the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War, the use of improvised devises to inflict injury on US and ARVN forces was key. This particular device would be buried and covered over with loose materials then placed on trails to await its victim.  An unwitting soldier would then step into the hidden bucket and become severely injured and trapped by the slightly downward pointing spikes that would prevent easy extraction of the foot.  To add to its potency, the spikes in the bucket would be dipped in human waste to inflict further injury upon the victim through exposure to infection.

In all, booby traps accounted for 10 percent of all Americans killed or wounded during the Vietnam War.

My new diorama shows a squad of the 25th U.S. Infantry Division on patrol along the border between Vietnam and Cambodia. She's lucky, she found a trap, but the Vietcong is not far ...


Exemples de pièges  - booby traps




Et maintenant le diorama:

And now, the storyboard...


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