Battle of Kulikovo - Polovtsian Woman Warrior Archer
During the 14th Century, the Mongol Golden Horde ruled the Russians (Russia) through a group of appointed Russian princes. In September 1380, a Mongol force sent to punish Grand Prince Dimitri Donskoy of Moscow for insubordination was confronted by the armies of Prince Dimitri and his cousin Prince Valdimir at Kulikovo Field on the Don.
Despite considerable Russian losses, the victory was a great feat for the Russian as it demonstrated that the Golden Horde warriors could be beaten.
This is a recent acquisition showing a Polovtsian woman warrior archer during this battle.
The Plovtsians were originally a nomadic people like the Mongols.
At the time of the Mongol Invasion of Russia, the Polovtsians formed alliances withe the Russians princes to rebuff the Mongol armies.
Map of the battlefield of Kulikovo:
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